Friday, September 11, 2009

Intertwined thoughts

What a hectic week so far, but definitely a good week! Last Saturday my wife and I went for a 60 kilometre bicycle ride, and we enjoyed it thoroughly. There was no sign of physical difficulty, except for my backside that is not yet used to doing more than two hours on that (oh so) very small seat anymore! We rode with our friends’ son, who is only eleven and I must say; we know what potential looks like, and this is it! It is such a pleasure to see the passion and commitment in such a young kid like him. I am looking forward to seeing Wessel in the professional arena one day.

Sunday most certainly was the highlight of our week. It’s always wonderful to see God’s Spirit moving; healing and freeing people. I am truly blessed to be in a position where I can see how the Truth sets people free and completely transforms them.

We also had a breakthrough as far as our building project is concerned, but more on this at a later stage.

Also, earlier in the week my father went for an angiogram and the doctor was satisfied with how his veins were looking, but suggested my father get a pacemaker (his heart isn’t beating fast enough). We are confident that all will go well with the surgery and that my dad will be back on his feet and back to his old self in no time at all.

When things around us are going at 120 kilometres per second (as things tend to do), we often lose heart and become discouraged and end up becoming passive people. During these times we lose sight of our original goals and can easily become side tracked. I’d like to share with you something that may prove useful during these times:

Isaiah 40:28-31 "Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary; there is no searching of His understanding. (29) He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. (30) Even youths shall faint and be weary, and [selected] young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; (31) But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired."

We’ve all read this portion and have heard numerous sermons on it, but we need to see it from a brand new perspective – a ‘new creation’ perspective (2Cor 5:17). In this pericope (or portion), the key word is wait. When we go back to the Hebrew text, the word used here (that we translate as wait) is the word Kawva, meaning to ‘bind together by twisting’. Doesn’t this remind you of a piece of rope or string that is wound together? When pieces of rope or string is bound together with a twisting motion, it multiplies the strength of the rope – and in the case of a musical instrument’s string; it brings forth a beautiful sound.

What does this have to do with the portion in Isaiah 40? This portion suggests that one is tempted to falter when things around us are chaotic. We feel overwhelmed and we lose faith in God’s ability to be our Father. Isaiah is saying that when our thoughts are intertwined with God’s, we cannot view our world (or circumstances) in the same way as everyone else does. We will see things from God’s perspective and therefore we will have renewed strength and power, therefore we will mount up as eagles and soar above our state of affairs. Therefore we will run and not grow weary, or walk without reaching the end of our strengths – for we do not walk or run without Him who is in us… Him who is our strength (namely Christ).

There is nothing like the binding together of God’s and my thoughts. But what, you may ask, are God’s thoughts? 1Corinthians 2:16 “ For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart.”

We have the mind of Christ who is ONE with the Father, therefore we may know the thoughts of the Father! The Father’s aim was always that we should be one with Christ and live and move in Him. Father changed our identity through the crucifixion and resurrection to that of sons and daughters – because He has placed us in His Son (1 Cor 1:30). When Isaiah tells us to wait upon the Lord, he is saying: see yourselves as Father sees you, by the twisting together of your thoughts with that of God’s thoughts (concerning who you are).

In Matthew 6 Jesus teaches the crowd on the mount, and we read something interesting: Matthew 6:22-23 “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. (23) But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

The word single entails the thought of being (yet again) “bound together”. What should be bound together? The way we look at things (seeing that we’re speaking about one’s eye). At what things? Our circumstances and our own identity! Is it not that we approach things according to who we are? When we are shy, we will not do things in an extravagant way and when we love attention we tend to do things in a big way… We do things and handle situations according to our identity (or what we understand it to be). Jesus is trying to say that; when confronted with the things of this world, view things from My perspective (your view bound together with My view) and also see yourself from My perspective (we are conquerors and co-heirs in Christ).

“…therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light…” It will be well with our bodies when we live from His perspective; let’s all say goodbye to stress! Life will start to make much more sense when we see our world through God’s eyes and when we live according to what He said concerning who we are.

Take the time to sit at Father’s feet… He won’t let you down.


Unknown said...

Pastoor, my vriend het my aan die gemeente (kerk) voor gestel so 4maande gelede. Graag wil ek se, dis n cool way to chat with GOD.
Ek sukel nog met die Here se plan met my en kan nie op terms kom met die Here. Ek weet hy is genade, liefde en my pad voorentoe en sonder Hom, is ek n verdwalde siel.

Ek ken Hom, weet wie Hy is en wat n woderlike op offering (Sy Seun aan die kruis) vir my gegee het. Ek bid en kom kerk toe, maar ek voel so skuldig om in sy teenwoordigheid te wees. Hy my als gegee, maar ek kan nie een dag aan hom 100% toewei nie.

Ek voel so skuldig as ek net so deur die dag met Hom die Here wil praat. Ek mis die "merk"

Ek voel Hom die heel dag langs my, ek weet Hy is net hier, maar tog is ek te bang om my hand na Hom uit te steek.

Pastoor, waar in die Bybel kan ek begin om my pad na die Here te vind. Jaco my vriend 1000, het aan my voorgestel om met die skrewe Johannes te begin. Ek wil die Here beter leer ken.


Anonymous said...

Begin hier dit sal op n basiese manier n baie goeie begin wees ..en die Here sal die res doen

Pastor Warren Graham said...

Nico, dankie dat jy so openlik deel, daar is geen rede vir jou om moedeloos te wees nie- Vader het jou lief, met al die dinge wat jy dink jy verkeerd gedoen het- Jesus het 'n duur prys daarvoor betaal- ontvang net wat Hy jou reeds gegee het! Ja, Jaco is in die kol, persoonlik voel ek ook dat Johannes 'n goeie begin is, lees aandagtig en vra Heilige Gees om dit verstaanbaar te maak- Hy sal! Al lees jy net 'n vers op 'n dag, of 'n hoofstuk, hou net aan om te verwag dat Hy met jou dinge wil deel wat jy nog nie eers oor gedink het nie!
Stuur vir my jou epos adres, dan kan ek saam met jou die pad loop! Seen en sterkte, onthou Hy is ontsettend lief vir jou!

Dr Nadine Dunn said...


Dit is nie wat jy kan doen om God se vergifnis te verdien nie maar wat Hy klaar vir jou gedoen het. Die "bril" waardeur God na jou kyk is Sy Seun en dit is perfek. Baie keer sukkel ons en dink ons dit is God wat ons nie vergewe nie maar eintlik is dit ons wat onsself nie vergewe nie.

Leef vrygespreek!

Dr Nadine Dunn said...


Dit is nie wat jy doen dat God jou vergewe nie, dit is wat Hy vir jou gedoen het. As God na jou kyk sien Hy jou deur die "bril" van Sy Seun. Hy sien jou sonder sonde want daar is klaar daarvoor betaal. Niks wat jy kan doen kan in elk geval vir jou sonde betaal nie.

Het jy jouself al vergewe?

Leef vry in Jesus want jy is.

Unknown said...

Hi daar, graag wil ek net almal bedank vir die lieflike bootskape en motiferende woorde. Dankie aan die Here wat my so seen met vriende soos julle. Ek kan nie wag vir Sondag se diens nie.

Pastoor ek weet jy het al dit met ons behandel, maar kan ek met die Here praat soos ek goed voel of eerder in gebed.

Mag die Here julle seen en nogmals DANKIE

Geinspereurde Nico

Dr Nadine Dunn said...


Jy kan enige tyd, enige plek met die Here praat. Dit is belangrik dat jy nogsteeds tyd maak vir gebed maar niks keer jou om enige tyd met God te praat nie. Hy wag vir jou om met Hom te praat.

Lekker kuier met God.