Thursday, November 12, 2009

In Pursuit of Truth (1)

Sooner than anticipated the week before our ‘big’ race is upon us! On Sunday 15 November, Mariette and I will be participating in the Momentum 94.7km Cycle Race in Johannesburg. We are as prepared as we can be, but not nearly as much as we were last year this time. This year there are now elaborate goals for the race, we’re not nearly fit enough for it. This year’s race has one simple goal: to enjoy it together. I really want to encourage you to spend special time with your loved ones. They are such a precious gift from God (and you are to them), enjoy them! I could keep you busy the whole day with stories about how many times God has taught me a new lesson through either one of my boys or my wife.

In our ministry things have been great! Finally we received the building plans for our new Church & Community Centre. These have now been handed in at the City Council for approval and we can hardly wait to see what God does next. We don’t know when we’ll start building or how God will provide the funds, but it’s awesome to let God be God and wait upon Him to build our church. These are such exciting times! And that’s not all! These past few weeks I’ve seen so many marriages being restored by people’s acceptance of God’s Word and the precious gift of the Son; now they endeavour on a new way of life; as ONE. God is mighty to save and heal and restore!

In the next few blogs, I am going to be completely honest about many things; some people may be offended and (I trust) many people might just be encouraged. Please bear with me and join me on this journey; a journey on finding Truth and embracing Him.

How many times have you heard The Gospel / The Good News / The Message of Salvation? Countless times I’m sure. I’m also convinced that you’ve heard it from every angle possible; “Turn or Burn”, “Heaven: the Place to be”, “Where will you end up tonight, should you die whilst you are driving home after the service?”. After such sermons people are eager to join this club, called Christianity. They are so excited to start this new life, where the retirement plan is set and they can hardly wait to start doing something for God, just so that they can feel worthy of this great Gift they have received. However, a few days down the line their enthusiasm falters and they just can’t keep up this (ever eluding) Christian life; they have repeatedly failed to be selfless and struggle to be the perfect and moral citizen (which, according to their preachers, they should be now that they are saved).

To be completely honest with you today, most of us have missed it completely. We misunderstood the Gift and we didn’t understand who we were now created (or rebirthed) to be. And I say we, because I lived under the same misconception of what the Gospel was all about. But today I want to tell you about the WHOLE TRUTH; some of the earlier christians started propagating a ‘different’ Gospel so many years ago and only now we are observing how understanding dawns on small clusters of Christians the world over. And the funny thing is; it’s the same Gospel that Paul taught. We just didn’t see it for what it was; in our effort to make sense of Paul’s writings, we taught ourselves many new tools and ended up with a diluted Gospel. Well, I say NO MORE!! It is time for the world to SEE CHRIST. It is time for the world to BE SET FREE by the new way that is presented in Christ Jesus.

Next time we will continue on our journey and we will talk about THE GIFT and OUR RESPONSE. And I am really looking forward in sharing the Good News with you!

If you have a comment or a question, please feel free to place it in the ‘comment’ box below!


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